
8 products

Collection: Promika

Promika offers ZooGuard plus products for dogs and cats. It is comparable to Frontline Plus, which contains the active ingredients and level of flea and tick protection at a better value. These Promika pet products are functional and work beyond just the Flea and tick treatment. The Promika ZoGuard is formulated to repel and kill lice, fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and more on pets. It provides multi-pest protection to pets.

The Zoguard Plus for dogs is also an effective product. It has a waterproof formula that keeps the ingredients and works actively even after water exposure. The ZooGuard Plus for cats and dogs is simple and easy to apply; it gives hassle-free protection to your pets. Also, one of the significant advantages of these Promika Pet products is extended protection from pests for your pet for weeks.

The Promika pet products protect against pests, fleas, ticks, and more. These products are designed to defend pets against harmful insects. KwikPets has curated Promika pet products that help you get the perfect Promika pet products; they will surely cater to your pet's health needs and give them the best treatment to maintain their long-term health.

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